Hypothes.is Resources


The Hypothes.is group for class annotating of shared readings can be accessed at:


Hypothes.is will allow us to share annotations that we make as we read our common class assignments.  You may read and annotate directly into the reading, or you may read privately, mark up the article as you choose, and then come back to enter some annotations– whichever works for you.

Here are some examples of how classes have used hypothes.is for annotating reading materials.

The first week of readings is “practice”:  Annotate and develop questions and ideas about how we’ll use this together.

Beginning week 3, you’re invited to add at least 3 annotations (questions/ comments/ links/ images/ connections) to each reading.  See Course Projects: Building Collective Wisdom for expectations for contributions.

Getting Started:

First, go to Hypothes.is and set up an account.

  • Download the extension for your Browser.  Chrome has been tested most thoroughly.
  • Second, after you are logged in, come back here, click this link to join this private group for our course:



  • Note: Toggle to our group so that your annotations are private to our course members.

screen shot of toggle on website



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