No distinction off- or online

How many of us deliberately have a difference between our online and offline selves? Seems this intentionality occurs as students gain awareness of other communities beyond their own immediate experiences (or have more experiences). For example, some freshmen entered the high school this year with usernames like, madcow6969 and codyeatsworms.  Not exactly academic. After encouraging … Continue reading No distinction off- or online

old typewriter with BEDUC 476 typed on paper


Much of the “play” and learning reflects intrinsic motivation and a willingness to engage within the collective learning process. Yet, how do teachers help students overcome various obstacles to be able, willing participants? In the education world, many teachers have heard of the “I can’t” students who might need additional resources or interventions of key … Continue reading Collaboration

old typewriter with BEDUC 476 typed on paper


Currently, the idea of multitasking and technology are being investigated.  Data is being collected regarding the brain’s ability to focus. The good news, according to the information synthesized by Rheingold, is our ability to train ourselves to be able to focus and retain information.  Phew! Since this concept is receiving a lot of attention (despite … Continue reading Mindfulness

old typewriter with BEDUC 476 typed on paper

Pecha Kucha #1

While I have assigned this type of assignment before to students, this is my first opportunity creating my own.
The novel is “The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age” by Sonia Livingstone and Julian Sefton-Green.
Here is my Pecha …

Digital critical reading is like an avalanche…

What literacies do readers need to critically read digital content like [this NYTimes article]?  To create such content?   The initial image is beautiful in its starkness.  Simple, crisp, barren, frigid.  The image immediately emphasizes the content of the article in a jarring manner.  Clearly, and understanding of artistic aesthetic and design is in play. … Continue reading Digital critical reading is like an avalanche…