The State of Privacy

I’ve already done my research on privacy (or rather, lack thereof) and the results of this quiz were pretty accurate on my attitude towards free services that collect data. According to the quiz, I’m a realist. I use Facebook messenger over texting 90% of the time, and while I very rarely browse my Facebook feed, I […]

Save the Data

The web and the media services that come with it offer us an unparalleled opportunity to connect with one another. More connection, though, means more transfer of information, which inherently leads to concerns about privacy. When I think of privacy on the internet, I often think about things like protecting my name, address, account numbers, […]

Algorithms and Filter Bubbles

I was feeling pretty pensive after reading Raine and Anderson’s Code-Dependent: Pros and Cons of the Algorithm Age. The article offers a variety of relevant perspectives about algorithms from experts in the field, and it presents as relatively cohesive and unbiased. The ever-increasing personalization of a web user’s experience was fairly consistent topic throughout the article, and […]

Social(Networks, Capital)

Human beings are inherently social creatures. Much of our evolution was dependent on living in large social groups, so it should come as no surprise to read in Howard Rheingold’s Net Smart that the world is shifting to be very network-central. The depth, breadth, and diversity of one’s social network will have a heavy influence on […]