Nostalgia Reimagined: Let’s Go, Pikachu!

So over Thanksgiving, my husband and I binge-played Let’s Go, Pikachu! while eating leftover pizza instead of enjoying the classic turkey dinner with family because who actually wants to fly 3000 miles back home over the holiday season? Certainly not me! As kids, we loved our first generation Pokémon games/cartoons. As adults, we love seeing the… Continue reading Nostalgia Reimagined: Let’s Go, Pikachu!

The State of Privacy

I’ve already done my research on privacy (or rather, lack thereof) and the results of this quiz were pretty accurate on my attitude towards free services that collect data. According to the quiz, I’m a realist. I use Facebook messenger over texting 90% of the time, and while I very rarely browse my Facebook feed, I […]

How Do We Decide What to Feel About Algorithms?

From the Pew Research Center, writers Lee Rainie and Janna Anderson analyze some pros and cons that algorithms may provide, in the article “Code-Dependent: Pros and Cons of the Algorithm Age”. Usually, I don’t like thinking about the pros/cons of algorithms (at least in today’s machine-learning/AI use of the word) because I find myself completely split […]

Mediated Writing Project: Cryptography

For my digital literacy class, we had to create a project in Microsoft Sway featuring either an original piece of writing advocating for something we care about OR a previously-written paper for a different course. I chose to do the latter, as I recalled that I had written a paper early last year that goes… Continue reading Mediated Writing Project: Cryptography